So I hope you enjoyed your holidays - or "eau lit des" as the ad for Wall Street English would put it. (Actually when Americans say "happy holidays" they mean the religious holidays in December - the holy days. In the summer, of course, they go on vacation.)
One of the best things about my summer break happened at home. Regular readers may remember my little comment about the death of handwriting, as we now type all our thoughts into various digital devices. I ended by casually inviting you all to send me a postcard. And four of you actually did! So thanks to Florian, Mathieu, Camille and a fourth person whose name, unfortunately, I was unable to decipher. It looks a bit like Souhir. But I was touched, I assure you. Florian even sent me a series of postcards from various destinations - now that's what I call commitment. I definitely owe him a cup of tea. Much to my shame, I did not write a single postcard while I was in Crete. Although I did keep a travel journal, which I tried to illustrate for the first time. My artistic abilities have hardly improved since school, but it felt good doing something manual. And my little boy liked my picture of purple bougainvillea trailing down a white wall. He's not a tough critic, however, so I'm not expecting any prizes for my carnets de voyage. Unfortunately, creativity requires talent as well as enthusiasm.