The Champs-Elysees Committee, which represents the economic and cultural stakeholders of the famous Parisian avenue, is changing its visual identity to reflect the new realities of what is known as the most beautiful avenue in the world.

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Minimalist, colorful, and modern. The Champs-Elysees Committee, which represents the economic and cultural stakeholders of the famous Parisian avenue, is revamping its visual identity with a new design that aims to be more joyful, refined, and dynamic. This new identity has been created by Monsieurstan agency. “The avenue is changing, especially with the 'Reenchant the Champs-Elysees' project. It aims to be more magnificent, share more values and surprises, which requires a news brand identity”, explains Marc-Antoine Jamet, the committee's president. This is the third time the committee has changed its visual identity since its creation in 1916.

The new identity uses the colors of the French flag, also reminding Bastille Day or major sports victories. It also brings to mind the shape of the Arc de Triomphe, under which the flame is rekindled every evening or onto which Zinedine Zidane's face is projected. “The new logo is contained within a square, alluding to its strength and eternity. But the three words Champs-Elysees Committee are shifted to surprise people”, explains the committee. Words are separated with hyphens, as a symbol. “It is a metaphor for the mission of the Champs-Elysees Committee: to make the connection between the stakeholders, between the key players who contribute to the success of the avenue.”

Accelerate its strategy on social media

This new logo will be used on the different communication channels of the Champs-Elysees Committee, including its website, posters, and social media platforms. The Champs-Elysees Committee also intends to accelerate its strategy on social media. “This should have been done earlier, but there has been a significant effort in modernization and media coverage. It also requires resources. It's important to note that the committee relies on its 180 members", emphasizes Marc-Antoine Jamet, who is also the General Secretary of LVMH group.

On Instagram, the committee will publish editorial contents, especially sets of short videos such as “La clé des Champs” (the key of Champs Elysees) or “Gens-Élysées” (people of the Champs Elysees). The goal is to give “a human face” to the avenue and to discover those who work there, from police officers to historic monument conservators, as well as newsstand operators and gardeners. Social media will also be used to make people discover the backstages of sunny rooftops, the back rooms of stores, and the basements of department stores that stand on the avenue.

Reflect the new direction of the Champs Elysees

According to the president of the committee, this rebranding goes beyond a simple graphic evolution. It aims to reflect the new direction taken by the most beautiful avenue in the world, as it is known, with the pedestrianization efforts carried out in recent years. With 250,000 daily visitors, the new face of the Champs-Elysees “accentuates the idea of a global village”. Despite the Yellow Vest protests, major strikes, and the pandemic, tourists and Parisians seem to have found their way back to the Champs-Elysees. “Among the major avenues of the world, we are the ones who quickly returned to our 2019 levels. I always use Madison Avenue (in New York) as an example, where last December, 30% of the storefronts were vacant", adds Marc-Antoine Jamet.

The next highlight for the avenue will be the Christmas season, including the inauguration of the Christmas lights. This will be the first opportunity for the committee to showcase its new visual identity. While committee members are still quiet about what will happen for this event, they can just say that there will be a sponsor which represents “the popular and international dimension of the Champs-Elysees”. “The goal is to provide a show, not just a 10 seconds buzz”, emphasizes its president.

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