The more time passes, the more I hate consultants. Their job seems to consist of inventing – or occasionally borrowing – dubious marketing theories and selling them to gullible clients. Over the years I've come across digital marketing consultants, luxury branding consultants and even, quite recently, storytelling consultants.

I can't think of two words that go together less than consultant and storytelling. Imagine: «Hi, I'm Leo Tolstoy – storytelling consultant. Here's my latest manifesto, Anna Karenina.»

Clients, avoid consultants. You want stories? Read more. I'm currently reading about the life of Montaigne. You can learn far more from Montaigne than from any consultant. Let's face it, in the 16th century he invented blogging. But while most bloggers are pretentious and self-aggrandizing – rather like consultants – Montaigne is humble and questioning. He admits that he knows little about life, and that he's not certain about the little he knows. Instead, if I've understood it correctly, he spends his time investigating what it means to be human, based on his own experiences. He examines friendship, temptation, work and even death. As a recent biography puts it, he is trying to find out how to live.

Valuable information indeed. Unfortunately, Montaigne no longer gives lectures. But I'm glad his Essais can be consulted for a small fee.

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