How to

The professional networking platform Linkedin is a powerful tool for people working in press relations. Here are five recommendations to use it at its best.

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1. Maximize your profile.

For people working in press relations or more widely in communication, the professional network LinkedIn and its 950 million members is a good way to reach their priority audience. According to Esther Ohayon, head of communication at LinkedIn France, it is crucial to carefully craft your profile with a professional picture (profiles with a picture are more likely to attract attention), relevant keywords, areas of expertise, favorite topics, and a striking pitch. “Through a few sentences, you can introduce who you are, what you do, and what you are passionate about. The idea is to stand out so that journalists can easily identify you during events or trade shows", she says.

2. Increase the value of what you publish.

You should use the “Activity” section to show the content you have published, liked, and commented on. Choose the most relevant content to highlight your areas of expertise. Share articles or videos that reflect your knowledge and interest in your industry. “For example, you can share updates about your clients”, explains Esther Ohayon.

3. Expand your network.

It is crucial to expand your professional network and to work on connecting with others automatically. “When you meet a journalist at an event, don't forget to connect with him or her on LinkedIn immediately, and to remind him where and when you met”, recommends the expert. Moreover, to connect with a journalist who is not in your LinkedIn network, you can ask one of your own contacts to introduce you.

4. Show your expertise.

You should regularly share content by engaging with other users' posts and sharing your own knowledge by publishing your own posts. Write long-form posts to generate interest and create discussions on your area of expertise. Whether you work on a niche topic or on something more mainstream, depending on your industry, try to be as comprehensive as possible. “Don't be shy to share your experiences, your point of view, insights on the news in your sectors. The aim : being to stand out and initiate conversations, in order to be perceived as an expert in these subjects”, insists Esther Ohayon.

5. Stay informed.

LinkedIn is a very good way to stay informed about your industry and the latest developments in the ecosystem. To provide content to share, it's important to refine your information monitoring, follow topics and journalists in your sector (changes in positions within editorial teams, appointments...). “Working in public relations and communication is constantly changing. You need to update your skills and follow training courses to stay on top of your field”, says Esther Ohayon.

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